Fields of Fire Page 23
One highwayman dismounted and held his hands up in surrender. Hug shoved the other forward in the direction of a clump of oak trees in the distance. Both Taylor and Hug apparently were taking no chances as they held their weapons on the highwaymen.
“Thank God,” Jalene murmured aloud. Thinking that she might be of assistance to the tinker women, she plodded through the wood to the edge of the meadow.
“Can I help?” she yelled and waved to them.
“Christ! I told you to stay put.” Taylor stomped over to meet Jalene.
When he got within a few feet, she said, “I did. I wanted to see if I could help.”
“I didn’t want these bandits to see your face.”
“Why not?” she asked, confused by his line of reasoning.
“It’s safer that way, but since you’re here, you can make yourself useful after we get rid of those two.” He started walking the short way to where Hug guarded the highwaymen.
“You’re not going to shoot them, are you?” she asked, hurrying after Taylor.
“Nay, I’m not going to shoot them, but we can’t take the time to bring them to the authorities either. For the moment, all I can do is see that they cause no further grief.”
Jalene glanced at the tinker family, who were quietly watching. She gave them a reassuring smile before she turned her attentions to Taylor and Hug.
“Where the hell did you find those?” Taylor said as he ripped the highwaymen’s grotesque masks from their faces, exposing two dull, ordinary men. “Thieving isn’t terrifying enough to someone, so you resort to wearing frightening masks?” Taylor stepped towards one of the highwaymen and spoke into his face.
“We only just got ‘em. This is the first time using them,” the highwayman answered.
“And, your last,” Taylor said, and tossed the masks to Hug. “Get rid of these later, but first let’s get their hands tied behind their backs.”
Once they were secured, he and Hug escorted them to a safe distance from where the tinkers camped and bound each one to a large oak tree.
Hug came back and swatted the rumps of each of the highwaymen’s horses and sent them on their way towards the nearest town. Taylor approached the tinker man. “That should keep them for the night. If they get noisy, shove something into their mouths. In the morning, go to the nearest authorities and tell them where the thieves are.”
The tinker man nodded. “Thank ye for yer help, but won’t ye please stay and share a meal and our camp with us. It’s not much, but ‘tis the only way I can repay ye.”
Jalene knew that tinkers normally didn’t allow strangers amongst them, and that the food they offered was hard-earned. It would be a great insult to refuse the man, and Taylor would never do so.
“With pleasure, we accept your generosity.” Taylor gave a slight bow, grabbed her by the hand, and said, “This is Jalene, my woman.” He put his arm around Hug’s shoulder, “You can call him, Grandda.”
The tinker man grinned from ear to ear. “Me name is Lem. This is me ma. She don’t talk. Some sickness, I don’t remember what, but she lost her voice since. This is me wife, Twyla and me son, Jonathan.” Proudly, he gathered them closer to him.
After introductions were exchanged, Taylor and Hug retrieved their cask-laden wagon from the roadside and helped Lem make preparations to spend the night.
Shortly thereafter, they congregated around the campfire. If she hadn’t known better, she would have thought Taylor and Hug were part of Lem’s family. Taylor, with his black wig, green breeches and copper-colored embroidered waistcoat, rivaled Lem with his red pants and plaid shirt. Hug, though dressed in more somber colors of brown and beige, appeared to be the perfect match to Lem’s ma. Jalene inwardly smiled and pitched in to help the tinker women with dinner.
She soon learned that although Twyla was cordial, she was as shy as her child, and of course, Lem’s ma couldn’t speak. This gave Jalene the opportunity to study the tinkers.
The garments they wore were not remarkable or exotic, like those of the gypsies she’d heard about in England and other countries. In fact, it was the tinker family’s total disregard for fashion that set them apart. Their clothing was as brightly colored as their caravan, and strikingly mismatched. It also covered them well for little skin showed. Feeling conspicuous in her own low-cut gown, she pulled her black lacy shawl more securely across her breasts before she studied Jonathan, the child, who now crawled about his father’s lap. Even the toddler’s clothing was mismatched, as well as being several sizes too large.
Twyla handed her some leeks to cut up and add to the pot with the cabbage. In doing so, Jalene spotted the simple silver wedding band on her finger. This too, now made her feel self-conscious about her relationship with Taylor, and she wondered what the tinkers must have thought about her. Did they see her as the trollop she portrayed? Would they care? She heard stories about tinkers, gypsies and other itinerant people being promiscuous, but this tinker family certainly did not seem so. Perhaps the stories were mere stories. It bothered her that these kind people might think of her in a negative way, but considering the circumstances, it couldn’t be helped.
She watched Twyla and smiled. The woman wore her dark brown hair loose and flyaway. Aside from her ring, the only jewelry that adorned her consisted of a pair of gold loop earrings. Lem’s ma, who was preparing the mutton, was an older, heavier version of Twyla. She wore similar gold earrings. Lem’s ma also sported a ring with a large, oval amber-colored stone. She caught Jalene watching her and gave her a warm, toothless smile.
Eventually, the meal was ready to be consumed. Twyla scooped mutton, cabbage and leeks into bowls, and Jalene handed the food and utensils out to everyone. Twyla seated herself next to Lem, while his ma plopped herself down next to Hug. The twinkle in her eye suggested to Jalene that she had taken a liking to him. Finally, Jalene took a place next to Taylor and in as ladylike manner as possible devoured her own food. As she did so, she noticed that Lem’s chest showed a strange bulge. She hoped Lem hadn’t caught her staring, but his next actions proved he had.
Lem patted the odd-shaped lump on one side of his chest and pulled from beneath his smock a badly bruised red apple. “This here’s for me horse.”
Jalene smiled at Lem. The man was as proud of his horse as he was of his family.
“A fine one, he is.” Taylor glanced at the beast who was now hitched closer to the caravan.
“That horse is part of us,” Lem replied. “The owner was going to have the beast shot when the animal was deathly ill. I asked if I could care for the horse, and since the owner preferred not to shoot him, he agreed. I nursed the horse back to health.”
“Where did you get the wagon?” Hug asked, apparently in a friendly, more talkative mood.
Jalene hoped this marked the beginning of the end to the earlier tension between them.
“The wagon came with Twyla when I married her,” Lem answered. “Of course, it was only a flatbed then, and we didn’t have no horse, but with every scrap of wood and every chance I got, I’d work on the wagon until it became what ye see today.”
“Fine craftsmanship,” Taylor said. “A work of art.”
Lem beamed at the compliment.
Silence followed for a few moments as they all ate. The campfire flickered brightly, and it was a cozy, welcoming sight to Jalene now that dark descended upon them and dampness touched the night air.
Lem’s ma stood and with her toothless grin fixed on Hug, offered him more supper. He thanked her, but declined, although the stew had been delicious. Everyone else did the same as the bowl was passed around. Twyla then proceeded to take the dishes away.
“Let me help you,” Jalene stood and prepared to help gather and wash the dishes.
“Nay,” Twyla insisted, “ye stay with yer husband while I see to this.”
Jalene would have protested, but she was too taken aback by Twyla’s uncharacteristic authoritative manner and startling words. The woman thought she was married thoug
h she displayed no ring. Jalene quickly looked to Taylor to see his reaction. He flashed her a handsome, deep-dimpled smile and tugged at her hand for her to sit back in place at his side. Her heart skipped several beats, and she obediently complied.
Taylor leaned closer to her and whispered, in a voice that only she could hear. “Do you find it such a horrible idea, Jalene? Your expression suggests that the thought pains you. I don’t mean to sound conceited, but there are women who would jump at the chance to have me for a husband.”
Aye, like the red-haired twins in Enniskillen, she wagered to herself, and to him whispered back, “I’m surprised that Twyla would make the assumption. I have no opinion, or concerns about your merits as a spouse,” she answered truthfully, but knew now that the idea was planted in her head, the next time she was alone, she’d probably dwell on it.
Lem apparently mistook their whispers as a hint that they wanted to do more than whisper. “Still lovebirds are ye? Ye can use me caravan for the night.” Lem stood and slicked his chin-length black hair behind his ears.
“We couldn’t inconvenience you,” Jalene squeaked out, knowing this could be the opportunity Taylor was waiting for—to make love to her. Part of her was thrilled by the idea, yet the other part was worried and unsure.
“It’s no bother. I insist.” Lem became quite serious, and Jalene knew that to argue any further would offend him. He continued, “This is a clear night for stargazing with me favorite person.” Twyla returned to his side carrying two small square pieces of cake on a plate. Lem grinned and gave her a one-armed hug, nearly toppling the dessert.
Twyla handed Jalene the plate. “I made this ginger cake yesterday for a special occasion.”
“It looks delicious. Thank you, Twyla,” she answered and took the cake. Sweets were a rare treat for these people, and Jalene was touched by their generosity.
Twyla glanced at Hug, “I’ve a piece for ye, too.
Hug’s eyes widened in anticipation, and he licked his lips in reply.
They all laughed.
“Don’t worry about your grandda. Between me and Ma we’ll see that he’s comfortable. Don’t fret over those highwaymen either. I’ll see to them before I retire.”
“Thank you, Lem,” Taylor replied, as he stood. He held Jalene’s piece of cake in one hand and pulled her to her feet with his other. When he returned the cake to her, he still kept firm hold of her hand. Lem shoved a lantern at him, and Taylor led her towards the caravan.
The need to calm her racing heart, forced her to chatter idly. “I’m so glad you and Hug were able to help the tinkers. Twyla fixed a good meal. Don’t you think? Hm?” She sighed and breathed in the woodsy night smell. When they stopped at the rear of the caravan, Taylor released her hand to unlatch the door. He stepped up inside to hang the lantern, took the cake from her and stepped back down to help her.
She made a feeble attempt at delaying the inevitable. “This is truly a lovely evening. Maybe I’ll sit outside here for awhile. I’m not really sleepy.”
“Good, because sleep is not what I have in mind.” He instantly lifted her at the waist onto the side step and patted her bottom to hurry her upward inside the caravan.
Chapter 19
Jalene sat comfortably on layers of soft fur bedding. Above her head on either side were bunks and above them, storage compartments. It was close quarters inside, but she could see how the wagon slept four. Jonathan and Lem’s ma must have slept in the bunks while Lem and Twyla slept beneath them on the furs,
The lantern hung on a hook near the entrance. With the doors closed, the wagon offered a cozy refuge. Taylor sat next to her, watching her survey the interior of the wagon.
“Lem has done a wonderful job with this wagon, hasn’t he?” she said, painfully aware of his nearness.
“Aye,” he agreed, still studying her.
Unsure of what to do, she broke off a piece of the ginger cake and handed it to Taylor. His fingertips brushed hers as he took it. The slight contact caused her stomach to flutter. She broke off another portion for herself and ate it. She glanced at him. His gaze was intense. It suggested that he would be patient with her, within limits.
She broke off another piece of cake, but this time, to avoid touching him she released the morsel too soon, and it fell to his lap. His bulging arousal was clearly evident through his tight breeches. She quivered with excitement. Slowly, she looked up at his face. He rose to his knees, grabbed her by both arms and pulled her up to him so that she could feel his manhood through her gown. With his lips inches from hers, he hoarsely whispered, “I want you more than I’ve wanted any woman in my life. Christ, how I want you.”
She closed her eyes. Aye, he wanted her, but did he love her? Did she love him? Did it even matter? Their situation was different, one where the rules no longer applied.
She opened her eyes to gaze into his. In that moment, she knew too, that she wanted no other man more than him and whispered back, “Have me.”
His lips came crushing down on her own as he firmly held her to him. As she embraced him in turn, her kisses became more urgent, more impassioned. He broke away and started to strip down to his breeches. As he did so, she ran her hand across his furry chest before he was completely out of his waistcoat and shirt. When he’d removed them, she traced a path that followed the hair on his chest down to his breeches, stopping before the waistband.
He looked up at her. His eyes blazed with desire. He reached to pull her into his arms again, but she seductively held him at bay.
Dear Lord, but she wanted to give him intense pleasure. Slowly, she tossed off the shawl and slipped one shoulder of her gown down and next the other, exposing her breasts to him. His eyes were like compelling whirlpools, beckoning her to him, and in response to her, he lowered his breeches, freeing his manhood.
The sight of a man—not any man, but Taylor—made her light-headed, and she swelled moist and hot between her thighs. He removed the breeches completely and resumed his kneeling position before her, his hands at ease at his side. His erect organ was jutting out proudly, both alarming and inviting her.
Patiently—and she sensed with much control—he waited and watched her. She fumbled to remove the rest of the midnight blue gown and her undergarments, before she knelt naked before him. She glanced from his magnificent manhood up into his passion-filled eyes.
“Have me,” she offered again, wanting to experience with him what he and only he could give her.
“Say it,” he commanded. “Tell me you want me.”
“I want you, Captain.” Dear Lord, but she did.
“Use my name.” His voice cracked.
“I want you, Taylor.”
Roughly, as one so impassioned, he kissed her more deeply and passionately. His arms felt like a steel band about her. Her nipples hardened, crushed as they were against the warmth of his muscled chest. His manhood rubbed against her, causing the wonderful swelling sensation between her thighs to increase.
She swayed into him, reveling in the sensations her bare hips against his bare hips brought her, wanting to feel more and be closer to him. He moved his hips in return and she thought she would burst from want. Not even in her wildest fantasies, could she have imagined such intense joy. Frantically, she kissed him and pulled him closer.
“Easy, sweetness. I’ll not have you until you’re truly ready, like a fine wine.” Taylor eased her back against the furs. With one hand he caressed her breast before he lowered his head to suck the nipple. He repeated the action with the other nipple and kissed his way down to her navel, tickling her there with his tongue. He scattered hot kisses along her inner thigh to the top of her curly triangular patch, over her navel, between her breasts, and returned to her lips before he lay halfway over her.
His hand caressingly moved along her thigh to touch the bud between her legs. She moved her hips against his hand, wanting more.
“Love me, Taylor,” she huskily said, “but let me touch you first. Let me feel with my hand wha
t my body will feel inside me.”
She reached, and he led her to his manhood. The instant her hand covered the hardened, yet soft flesh, he groaned with pleasure, and it excited her further. Instinctively, she caressed the length of him, enjoying the feel of him until she yearned for him to be inside her.
His thoughts reflected her own for he spread her thighs and raised himself on top of her. He nudged the head of his manhood to meet her soft warmth, and she raised her hips to encourage his entry. He kissed her lips and swiftly broke through her maidenhead and buried himself within her. The brief jolt of pain surprised her and almost as quickly ceased when he paused a moment, waiting for her to get used to him. Slowly, he began moving his hardened length inside her. “Ah, sweetness, you’re beautiful,” he whispered in her ear and kissed her neck and mouth.
“As are you,” she murmured through his kisses, lost to the wondrous way he was making her feel.
He kissed her forehead, cheek and mouth before he reluctantly lifted himself from her to caress her between her legs once more. The instant he touched her, she thought she would go mad with desire. He stroked her slowly at first, gradually intensifying the pace and pleasure until she was wanting, no—demanding that he satisfy her. He reentered her. His assault steadily increased until she was squirming and rocking beneath him in frenzied passion. Finally, when she thought nothing could feel more exulting, she experienced a release and an emotional excitement that she had never known existed.
She hugged him tightly to her while he moved within her a few moments longer to where he finally groaned in fulfillment and spilled his seed within her.
“Christ!” he said through heavy breathing. He lay collapsed atop her a moment before he eased himself from her. “Nothing compares to you.”
At that moment, she was completely and utterly content with the world.
Taylor rolled from her, but only long enough to put out the lantern and pull her into his arms so that her back pressed against his chest. He placed a tender kiss on her neck and affectionately massaged her arm.